Old Bird Feeder, New Flower Bed

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Our back yard is literally a mini forrest. We haven’t had time to conquer it yet. A lot of work needs to be done in the flower beds, we need to cut down dead limbs, take out old benches and broken down furniture that the previous owners left.

One of the things they left was an old concrete bird feeder. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with it, or if I wanted to keep it at all. Along with the rest of the backyard, it is on the back burner while we finish the inside remodel.

Fortunately for me, our little roommate, my niece Caitlan, decided to adopt it and make it into a flower bed.

She got some inexpensive flowers from the local grocery store and went to work.

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The end result was beautiful! I love it.

One less thing on my checklist!