Heart-Shaped Pancakes

heart-shaped pancakes

This morning I woke up to heart-shaped pancakes and hot tea for breakfast.

My wonderful husband is the best pancake maker in the world, he totally outdid himself this morning!

They were delicious and a great way to start my day.

I hope all of you have a wonderful day of love!


National Pancake Day

So, yesterday was National Pancake Day. In honor of such a special day, my husband made us pancakes for dinner.

I am a very lucky girl, I somehow found the world’s greatest pancake maker and managed to convince him to marry me! Needless to say, these pancakes were delicious. No one can make them like he can. I kicked Bisquick to the curb when I met Parker.


These pancakes are home-made, no fake mixes for us.


I don’t know what we would do without this iron skillet. I am pretty certain this bad boy is restaurant quality, or better.


pancake toss

pancakes and butter

They were so scrumptious. I ate every bite. Don’t fret, I did my Nike Fitness training on Kinect beforehand. Don’t laugh, my legs seriously felt like jelly when I was done. In my opinion, these pancakes were well deserved.

Hope you had a good National Pancake Day!