Lead and Be Led


Lately, I have been trying to live by these words. I have always struggled with trusting myself and second guessing, and it has become increasingly worse in the past year. I am always terrified the next move I make will be the wrong one and that I am not taking the right steps in the right directions. My husband has consistently been telling me to trust myself and to pray every day for guidance. I have began to do this and have seen such an improvement in my attitude and self-esteem.

I am sure many others have these feelings in their own lives. Doubt seems to surface every time we find ourselves in a sticky situation. When I have these feelings of doubt, I pray and ask for guidance and awareness. I pray that I will have confidence in myself and take peace in knowing God is leading me in the right direction. I realize stressing doesn’t get me anywhere and certainly doesn’t fix life’s headaches. Plus, it will give me gray hair and wrinkles!

Thanks to the unwavering support of my wonderful Parker, my amazing family and God’s guidance, I have really become a person I feel I can be proud of. My creativity is more prevalent and I accomplish so much more than I ever have. I feel better mentally and physically because I am not constantly stressing over things I can’t control. I trust myself and I trust the decisions I make.

I have come a long way and I have a long way to go. I still get down on myself (don’t we all?), but overall I know that no matter what happens, I am on the right path for me.

Have a good week and don’t forget to trust in yourself!

Time to Slow My Roll

Last week, I was ‘on the go’ constantly. Every night after work I had something to do. In my household, this is a common situation. My husband and I have always maintained a go, go, GO lifestyle and although it is wonderful that we have so many obligations and people to see, I often feel it holds us back from what is important.

Last night, I did not have time to call a few people I have been meaning to talk with. One of them was my sister. I was so busy bustling around, getting this and that done that I had lost all the time I had to sit down and visit with those who are most important to me.

I understand I am not the only person in the world that is guilty of this problem. I am certain my life seems dull to those even busier go getters out there. However, last night I came to a realization. It came to me as I lay in bed with a million little thoughts swirling around my crazy little head, thinking about what I did not get to do and what I needed to get done before bla time and bla day. The thought punched me in the face like I truly deserve. I realized, I did not do the most important thing on my list today, call my sister.

So, with that said, I am challenging myself to start slowing down and taking the time to do nothing and be present. I constantly find myself somewhere helping someone and doing something when really, I am not anywhere. My brother actually made me realize this when I talked to him briefly last night. He said, “You are always so busy, I am so glad I actually got you on the phone.” Jeez! I can’t believe that I have gotten so caught up in life that it is actually a rare occasion to get me on the phone! It is time for a change.

I am not going to feel guilty for taking time for myself. Sometimes, I am going to take time off of work and not feel guilty. I am going to spend a night watching movies and playing games with my husband and not regret it! I hope others around me will do the same.

Life is to short to not take in every breath and every moment. Our work will always be there tomorrow, but our loved ones and time will not.